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  • jangmandy10

March Highlights: KUBS, DDP, N Tower

Updated: Aug 14

KUBS Hang-out

After I recovered from my cold, I hung out with some of my KUBS buddies and fellow exchange student friends. We went to Seongsu, a super trendy neighborhood sometimes referred to as the Brooklyn of Seoul. The area was formerly an industrial area, which now makes for the edgy and rustic warehouse cafes. I personally like Seongsu, especially because it's fun to explore and visit the pop-up stores.

In Seongsu, we checked out the Mamonde (a Korean skincare brand) pop-up store, which was what one of my exchange student friends had been interested in checking out. I should have taken more photos of the place, but the interior had a pink, floral aesthetic to it, of course, inspired by Mamonde's brand image.

We then went to a board game cafe in Seongsu called RedButton and played a couple rounds of Halli Galli and one really long round of Monopoly. I hadn't played Monopoly and had to practically relearn the rules, but it was super fun. I lost pretty hard though lol.

First Time Eating Indian Food

I ate Indian cuisine food for the first time at a restaurant called Otsal in Anam, and now I know I've been seriously missing out. I went with some of my Hawaii friends who also attend KU, and we ordered almost each type of food from the menu. We ordered a curry and naan set, as well as Indian-style pizza and spaghetti.

I think I enjoyed the curry the most, but everything was delicious. If you're ever in the area, this place is worth giving a try!

NCT 127 Exhibition at DDP

I am a huge NCT fan, so when my friend told me that they were having an exhibition, I had to go. This was also a good excuse to visit DDP (Dongdaemun Design Plaza), as the architectural design of the building is also a cool sight to see. The DDP also has some restaurants and shops inside to check out. It also happened to be DDP's anniversary that day, so we got our photo taken for free, which was a nice souvenir to take home!

In the exhibition, we were able to view unreleased behind-the-scenes videos as well as interviews. There was also an area where we sat in these super comfortable, triangular (?) bean bags while watching the group's recent concert footage. But in these designated areas, we weren't allowed to take pictures or videos.

The exhibition was more interactive than I expected, as we could send in messages, which were then displayed on the wall. My mom is also a fan, so I also sent a message on her behalf.

Namsan Tower Friendship Locks

With my two close Hawaii friends (also my roommates), we went to see the Namsan Tower Love Locks, a super popular tourist spot in Seoul. We figured that designing a lock together at the love lock bridge would be a nice way to commemorate our time together in Korea. You can buy a lock there, which were 10,000 won for the cheapest type. I think there was another type of lock that was slightly more expensive.

KUBS Han River Picnic

The KUBS Buddy Program scheduled another hang-out where we met up with other groups to do a picnic at Yeouido Hangang Park. This was around the time where cherry blossoms were just starting to blossom, so the park was packed with people. It was still a little cold out, but the weather was nice for having a picnic!


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